Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Nursery Reveal!

Well, the nursery is complete! Only thing missing is our sweet little Baby P! Enjoy our pictures... And please ignore any poor quality!
Sock monkeys are a favorite of the hubs! This one even happens to giggle and say peek-a-boo!

Of course Jeebz had to get in on the pictures! He is already the great protector! 

39 weeks and my maternity clothes don't fit!

Looking in to the nursery. 
Close up of the quotes above the crib and in the corner. The three above the crib were designed by a great graphic design student!

Not fully organized! But shelf and changing table on the wall opposit the crib. I plan to eventually make some fabric bins myself, but these black ones will have to do for now.

Quotes above the changing table. We made these ourselves!

Bookshelves we made and our niece has already checked them out and gave her stamp of approval! Also, another great student made the quote sitting on the top shelf.

Looking at the closet. One of my cousins made the quote above the door, sister-in-law made the sock monkey door hanger, and chalkboard was from my work shower!

Baby P's collection of stuffed animals so far!

Jeebz again keeping watch!

Wall color (which is hard to see true color in these pictures) Benjamin Moore Stonington Grey in Ace paint base
Crib: Amazon- DaVinci Emily 4-in-1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail
Changing table: IKEA- Expedit-White
Ottoman/reading corner fluff: Sam's

If there is something else you wonder about please feel free to ask! Can't wait to bring our sweet little one home to this space! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Review of 2013

Hubs went to his first KU game

Made some yummy pizza!

Got to babysit our niece while her mommy and daddy went on date night!


Date night at RENT at the local college

Lots of snow!!
First snow ice cream we made together

Spent the day with our nephews! And everyone was worn out!


Hubs turned 30!
Had a great birthday party which included couple pictures, supper where we first met and an awesome surprise birthday party with some awesome folks! (More to come!)


Jeebz turned 4

PurpleStride 2013

I finished up my masters...without help from the pup!

Finished our laundry pedestal project

Graduated with my masters!! 
Wonderful weekend get away after graduation and enjoyed a 1st birthday party, too!
Hubs and I found out on the last day of the month that Baby P was on the way!!
Hubs had a PR running a 10K


Traveled to Arkansas for hubs cousins wedding!

Date for snow cones!

Husband had a "100 mile" month of running
Shared with our immediate family that Baby P is on the way!

Enjoyed a trip out to Colorado
Celebrated my birthday


Celebrated our 4th Anniversary
Announced to "the world" about Baby P's arrival

Date night at "Moon over Buffalo" at a local college
Installed the "5 minute fan" for baby's room that took about 5 hours!

Hubs brought baby P some cute little pups from IKEA 

Trying to teach Jeebz baby boundaries!

My wonderful sister and sister-in-law's through us a shower! So very blessed!!

Hosted Thanksgiving at our house 

Family photos

Co-Workers threw us another wonderful shower!
Christmas party with friends

Big snow the weekend before Christmas

Hosted Christmas with hubs family

Both sick :(

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Life lately

When I looked at our blog and realized it had not been touched since 2011, over 2 years ago, I was slightly sad! All the things we have "planned" to blog but haven't! However, as we enter this new phase in our life, I really need/want to record it all better!

We are 5 weeks away from the expected "arrival" date for baby Pfonz! How is that possible! I will try to do a few updates about what are life as been like over the last few months and year over the next couple weeks and maybe even do a few nursery updates! 

12-13-13, just shy of 35 weeks at our wonderful friends' annual Christmas party!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where were you....

I know this post doesn't encompass what our plans are for our blog; however, it is the post that is on my heart today.

"Where were you when the world stopped turning on that September Day," Alan Jackson used his words so smoothly putting what millions maybe even billions were thinking on that day. Seeing the events of 9-11-01 unfold on live TV was the first event of such magnitude and tragedy in my generation and for a very large number of Americans. Let me tell you where I was, a small town Kansas girl, a Freshman in high school....

The morning started out no different than any other fall morning. Up early for school and since it was the week of the Kansas State Fair it meant early band practice, getting ready to march in the State Fair parade. My mom took me to school that morning like most my freshman year. As I was getting out of the car I slightly recollect hearing something on the radio about a plane crash, but in my "14 year old mind" nothing seemed abnormal. That morning for band we were outside marching on the street. We came in just as the bell rang to move to second period.

2nd period for me was art. I walked in and noticed the TV was on. Our art teacher was just getting ready to leave with the debate teams, with that years topic being terrorism. Ms G then asked us if we had heard what happened. At this point a majority of us had not. Ms G informed us that 2 planes had hit the World Trade Centers. And the first tower had collapsed. Me, being a high school freshman and not being out of the state of Kansas much, I didn't know what the WTC towers were. Ms. G informed us that they were some of the tallest buildings and they held various businesses. Ms. G told us we were welcome to leave the TV on to watch and to just work on what we could. I remember Audry and Jenna (2 sophomores) were also at the same table. As we were sitting in class, discussing what was unfolding before our eyes, we witnessed the 2nd tower fall. I recall the video that has been shown many times of the camera man suddenly running from this plumb of smoke and debris. As we were in class we also heard that the pentagon had been hit and that a plane had crashed in Pennsylvania but they didn't know if that was related or not.

Through out the day the tv was on in many classrooms and in the cafeteria. That afternoon we also had a JV tennis meet in a town about 30 miles away. Being in Kansas we have vast blue skies. There really aren't many times that you DON'T see at least one "jet line" or plane flying overhead. However, this day, September 11, 2001, it was different. The skies were silent. A very eerie silence. There was talk of if something else was going to happen. Talk about the gas prices sky rocketing due to that being the next thing that would be hit. It was not only a day of tragedy and attack but a day of unknowns. However, through all those unknowns and all the sadness, WE all came together. We meaning America. The patriotism for the past and hope for the future. As the week went on things stayed on high alert.

That Friday evening we had planned to go see Leeann Womack at the Kansas State Fair with a couple of friend for my birthday. However, very understandably, she wanted to go home to be with her family and cancelled the concert. We were however blessed with Lonestar and Keith Urban who had also cancelled some shows but were on their way home to Texas and agreed to stop in. It was one of those concerts that was just special. Knowing what was going on around the world it gave us a time to be kids without the worry of what may happen next.

10 years later.

It still doesn't seem that it could have really been 10 years ago. Those images are still fresh in my mind. As I rethink 10 years ago today, I realize there are VERY few days that I recall so many details about that day. I may remember one thing thing but not so many details. The other days are the day that each of my grandparents passed, the day my niece was born, the day my husband proposed, our wedding day, the day my mother-in-law passed away. Some of the days happy, some of them devastating. But none captivated as many people as September 11, 2001.

Where were you when the world stopped turning?