Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Review of 2013

Hubs went to his first KU game

Made some yummy pizza!

Got to babysit our niece while her mommy and daddy went on date night!


Date night at RENT at the local college

Lots of snow!!
First snow ice cream we made together

Spent the day with our nephews! And everyone was worn out!


Hubs turned 30!
Had a great birthday party which included couple pictures, supper where we first met and an awesome surprise birthday party with some awesome folks! (More to come!)


Jeebz turned 4

PurpleStride 2013

I finished up my masters...without help from the pup!

Finished our laundry pedestal project

Graduated with my masters!! 
Wonderful weekend get away after graduation and enjoyed a 1st birthday party, too!
Hubs and I found out on the last day of the month that Baby P was on the way!!
Hubs had a PR running a 10K


Traveled to Arkansas for hubs cousins wedding!

Date for snow cones!

Husband had a "100 mile" month of running
Shared with our immediate family that Baby P is on the way!

Enjoyed a trip out to Colorado
Celebrated my birthday


Celebrated our 4th Anniversary
Announced to "the world" about Baby P's arrival

Date night at "Moon over Buffalo" at a local college
Installed the "5 minute fan" for baby's room that took about 5 hours!

Hubs brought baby P some cute little pups from IKEA 

Trying to teach Jeebz baby boundaries!

My wonderful sister and sister-in-law's through us a shower! So very blessed!!

Hosted Thanksgiving at our house 

Family photos

Co-Workers threw us another wonderful shower!
Christmas party with friends

Big snow the weekend before Christmas

Hosted Christmas with hubs family

Both sick :(

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